Taipei join Columbia Alumni Leaders Weekend...
July 2016 CAA and the Planning Committee from the Columbia University Alumni Association of Japan (CUAAJ) held the planning meeting on the biannual Columbia Alumni Leaders' Weekend: Asia 2017 (CALW...
CAA Taiwan New Students Send-off Reception...
Thank you to new students and alumni alike for making our first send-off a great success on May 29 2016 in Taipei. To all the new students, enjoy the big apple and...
2016 Ivy League Dragon Boat Race...
7 schools of Ivy League joined the race with 200+ teams at the Taipei International Dragon Boat Festival on June 9 2016. Calling on all Ivy Alum, join the coolest...
Columbia Golf Open 2016
May 7th, 2016 at Chang Gung Golf Course, Taiwan Organized by Derek Sun. Please contact [email protected] for future golf games ...
Columbia Alum join Ivy League Team...
5 Columbia alumni joined 30 people strong Ivy League team for the annual Taipei 101 run up. The Ivy League team was formed by Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, UPenn...
2016 3/29 Happy Hour: A Talk...
The Columbia Alumni Association of Taiwan is delighted to invite Mr. Chou Fan (MA in Philosophy ’82) for a talk on his latest book 與習 近平聊聊台灣和中國 on Tuesday, March 29, 2016. About Mr....
New Year's Gathering for Volunteers
Volunteers gathered on Jan 17, 2016 2016 January marked the first Columbia Alumni TW Volunteer gathering, featuring for coordinating and planning Columbia University alumni activities and events throughout 2016 in...
CAA Taiwan Golf Club - Join...
Monthly gathering of golf swing! Email to [email protected] for joining the CAA TW Golf Club!
2015/5/3 Taipei 101 International Run-Up Competition!...
台北101國際登高賽為一年一度國際盛大體育賽事,每年皆吸引來自全球各地登高好手的同台較勁。91層樓、2046階、垂直高度390公尺,是全世界難度數一數二、挑戰極鉅的登高指標。正因為難度較高,基於安全考量,每年報名人數皆有限制,通常於活動一開放報名,即額滿。哥大校友會為了回饋各位校友,特別組一隊參加團體賽,歡迎各位校友趕快來報名,除了考驗自我,同時也可以與其他校友共同完成此一壯舉,增進校友間的聯誼及革命情感。 The Taipei 101 international run-up competition is a major international sporting event that attracts participants around the world every year. Come and join us to concqur the tallest green...
Alumni Clubs Around the World
Every fall, over fifty alumni clubs connect with local alumni and form a global network of connected Columbians in the annual initiative, started six years ago. Enjoy these photos from...