CAA Taiwan 2018 Annual Dinner
Dear alumni,The biggest event of 2018 CAA Taiwan is coming up soon. Our Annual Dinner will be held on September 29 (Saturday). Please mark your calendar and save the date!...
Thank you, AIT Director/SIPA alum (MIA...
AIT Director/SIPA alum (MIA '90) Mr. Kin W. Moy will bid farewell to Taiwan and return to the U.S. soon. Mr. Moy and his wife Kathy(Chen) received a warm welcome...
Congratulations to SEAS Senior Executive Vice...
Congratulations to Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Senior Executive Vice Dean/Richard Dicker Professor Dr. Shih-Fu Chang on being elected as Academician of Academic Sinica in Taiwan....
Congratulations to Dr. Fermi Wang for...
恭喜本會理事 王奉民博士 (Dr. Fermi Wang, EE '89 MS '91 PhD) 今晚獲贈工學院校友最高榮譽 The Egleston Medal成為本獎牌自1939年以來第一位華裔得獎人! The Thomas Egleston Medal for Distinguished Engineering Achievement is given in honor of Thomas Egleston, who founded...
Congratulations to GSAS alum Tzu-I Chuang...
Congratulations to GSAS alum Tzu-I Chuang Mullinax on the launch of her 2018 edition "Anthropologist in the Kitchen". 人類學系校友莊祖宜於今年3月初剛出版了2018新版的《廚房裡的人類學家》!
Congratulations to Tai Tsao(TC '14) for...
Congratulations to TC alum Tai Tsao(TC '14) for the launch of her first book "Momentum: Creating Effective, Engaging and Enjoyable Meetings". If interested, don't miss their super sale on Amazon...
2017 CAA Regional Club Award of...
Congratulations to Columbia University Alumni Association of Taiwan for winning the best International Chapter for 2017.台灣校友會獲頒哥大最佳區域校友會獎 (中央社記者黃兆平紐約7日專電)美國哥倫比亞大學校友總會,今天頒發最佳區域校友會獎國際組得主給哥大台灣校友會,稱許台灣校友積極參與全球事務及公益。哥大在台校友約1200多人,居全球第7。 哥大台灣校友會會長魏士晉表示,哥大台灣校友會創立於1989年,是目前台灣最大的美國校友會組織之一,榮獲母校頒發最佳區域校友會獎是所有在台校友最大光榮。哥大6日起一連3天在紐約校本部舉行校友領袖論壇,來自全球30多個國家地區代表出席,台灣校友會也利用論壇,與全球校友領袖分享台灣經驗。頒獎典禮晚間在哥大舉行,台灣除了魏士晉外,還有前台北101事業處總經理楊文琪、律師王寶玲、台北市政府國際事務委員會執行長饒慶鈺等與會。哥大3年前為鼓勵各地校友會投入發展社群,設置獎項,首屆由香港校友會獲得,台灣是第2個亞洲區校友會獲得殊榮。屬美常春藤聯盟(Ivy League)的哥倫比亞大學,國際學生數量在全美大學名列前矛。在台校友包括外貿協會副董事長劉世忠、立委蕭美琴、亞泥董事長徐旭東、前陸委會主委張京育、前國安會秘書長蘇起、青年發展基金會董事長連勝文等。1061008
Celebrating SIPA at 70
Register Now for SIPA’s 70th Anniversary Celebration Weekend: March 30-April 2, 2017: Panels and speakers have been announced for Saturday’s SIPA Forum. Visit the website to view the weekend schedule and to register.More news...
Johnny Chiu, GSAPP 06', won the...
Congratulates to Johnny Chiu Columbia GSAPP 06' for his latest design award in the US: The best winner of U.S.A. The Best of year awards from Interior Design Magazine New...