June 07, 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Fermi Wang for the Egleston Medal
恭喜本會理事 王奉民博士 (Dr. Fermi Wang, EE '89 MS '91 PhD)
今晚獲贈工學院校友最高榮譽 The Egleston Medal
The Thomas Egleston Medal for Distinguished Engineering Achievement is given in honor of Thomas Egleston, who founded the School of Mines of Columbia College in 1864, the first of its kind in the United States. Subsequently, the School of Mines became the Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science. Thomas Egleston continued his association with the School of Mines as its dean and a professor until 1900. The Medal was first awarded in 1939.
The Medal is in recognition of distinguished achievement in engineering or applied science. The recipient must have significantly advanced his or her field of the engineering profession or the management of engineering activities.
This Medal is awarded annually by the Board of Managers of the Columbia Engineering Alumni Association (CEAA) with the concurrence of the Dean of the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. The recipient must be a graduate of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.
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