3/14美國11校聯合單身派對White Valentine's Singles Mixer Party
由 MIT + Northwestern + Cornell三校主辦,Stanford+ Columbia+ CMU+BU+HBS+USC+NYU+Berkeley 八校協辦,將於3/14白色情人節,舉辦最浪漫的十校聯合單身派對,當天用餐採用Buffet Open Bar 的方式,每人提供一杯紅白酒或一瓶啤酒,軟性飲料無限供應,並有許多精心設計之交誼活動,拉近彼此間的距離!因為場地關係座位數僅限170名~
You are cordially invited by MIT, Northwestern, and Cornell, jointly with Stanford, Columbia, Carnegie Mellon, Boston, Harvard Business School, University of Southern California, New York University and Berkeley as co-hosts,to the most romantic singles mixer party on White Valentine's Day, March 14th. Ticket includes a buffet, one complimentary glass of red or white wine or a bottle of beer, plus unlimited servings of soft drinks. Fun ice breakers with prizes are planned to get you meet with others! Number of spaces is limited to 170, so register early, don't miss out all the fun!