Dear Alumni and Friends,
We warmly invite you to a timely webinar on “Overcoming the Challenges of Covid-19: Lessons from Taiwan” hosted by Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) of Taiwan, Yale Club in Taiwan, and New Taipei City Government that will take place on April 25th 2020. The purpose of this event is to share public health information and help our alumni / friends cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. Look forward to seeing you online. (Please note that the event will be conducted in Mandarin.)
誠摯邀請您參加哥倫比亞大學同學會、耶魯校友會及新北市政府共同主辦的「從1918西班牙到2003台灣,看2019全球新冠大流行 」線上論壇活動,本活動旨在匯集台灣公衛精銳,透過專家的交流與對話,分享如何因應當前疫情的挑戰,歡迎共襄盛舉!
Chris Wei 魏士晉 President of CAA Taiwan
Dr. Nai-Wen Kuo 郭乃文 President of Yale Club Taiwan
Event Information
Online Meeting link:
*Please download Cisco Webex Meeting App prior to the event:
*We kindly suggest that all online participants mute your microphones throughout the webinar to avoid unexpected interruptions. 為避免線上論壇受到干擾,貼心提醒您於論壇中將Webex麥克風關閉。
Dr. Jen-Hsiang Chuang 莊人祥(衛生福利部疾病管制署副署長,哥大GSAS校友)
Dr. Muh-Yong Yen 顏慕庸(臺北市立聯合醫院仁愛院區副院長,哥大醫學院研究)
Dr. Hung-Yi Chiou 邱弘毅 (臺北醫學大學公共衛生學系特聘教授,前臺北醫學大學副校長)
Dr. Betty Chiu 邱亞文教授(臺北醫學大學公共衛生學院全球衛生暨發展碩士學位學程主任,耶魯大學校友)
Dr. Yaw-Tang Shih石曜堂教授 (台灣醫務管理學會理事長,國防醫學院榮譽教授,前行政院衛生署副署長,哥大公衛學院校友)
Dr. Ran-Chou Chen 陳潤秋教授 (新北市衛生局局長)
Admission: Free
13:50 Online Check-in
14:00 Opening remarks by Chris Wei and Dr. Nai-Wen Kuo
14:05 Interview of Dr. Jen-Hsiang Chuang
14:15 Interview of Dr. Muh-Yong Yen
14:25 Interview of Dr. Hung-Yi Chiou
14:35 Panel discussion by Dr. Yaw-Tang Shih and Dr. Betty Chiu
15:10 Q&A led by Dr. Ran-Chou Chen
15:40 Closing
Columbia Alumni Association of Taiwan