2016唐獎「漢學獎」頒予美國哥倫比亞大學榮譽教授、中國思想史泰斗狄百瑞(William Theodore de Bary)教授,表彰其為儒家思想研究所作的貢獻與影響,他對儒家思想每有同情的理解與闡掦,也不乏誠懇的批評,功在國際儒學的研究,可謂一代漢學巨擘。
In a press conference from its office in Taiwan, the Tang Prize announced today (June 20) the 2016 Tang Prize in Sinology, which is the study of China and its related fields. William Theodore de Bary, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University, was named as the sole recipient this year “for his pioneering contributions in Confucian studies.”
The announcement was made by former Academia Sinica President and 1986 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Yuan Tseh Lee. A table of experts in the field of Sinology, ranging from literature to history and linguistics, joined him to witness and speak on the accomplishments of Professor de Bary. This included Current Acting President of the Academia Sinica Wang Fan-sen, Academicians David Der-Wei Wang, Yusheng Lin, William S.-Y. Wang, Chin-shing Huang, and Research Fellow at the Academia Sinica Sher-shiueh Li. Tang Prize Foundation CEO Jenn-Chuan Chern delivered the opening remarks to the historical event.
David Der-Wei Wang, in his introduction to de Bary’s 70-plus-year career, noted that de Bary has been involved in the editing, writing, and translating of more than 100 classics and books of his own. His 1960 Sources of Chinese Tradition was cited by many of the experts present as a seminal and foundational work. This compilation of translations and annotations of Chinese classics has remained a mainstay of Sinological studies for over 50 years, and has offered a thorough portrayal of different aspects of the social, political, intellectual, and cultural traditions of China to students in the English-speaking world.
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