2024-11-01 You are cordially invited to a special concert by the One Song Orchestra

Dear Alumni and Friends,

We are delighted to invite you to a special concert by the One Song Orchestra (灣聲樂團) as a music appreciation event hosted by Columbia Alumni Taiwan. The concert program will feature musicians from around the world coming together to celebrate their passions and talents. We sincerely hope you can join us for an enchanting evening, immersing in the richness of Taiwanese music heritage and creativity while connecting with fellow Columbia alumni.

Event Details

Event:  One Song Orchestra Concert
Date:    Friday, Nov 1, 2024
Time:   Meet at 7:00pm in front of Performance Hall Entrance (Concert starts at 7:30 pm)
Venue:  Eslite Performance Hall (誠品表演廳), 88 Yanchang Road, B1,Taipei City, Taiwan (台北市菸廠路88號B1)
Ticket Price:   NT$500 per person

導  聆|李哲藝 (灣聲樂團 音樂總監)
二  胡|曾維庸 (灣聲樂團 駐團指揮)
小 提 琴|黃裕峯 (灣聲樂團 樂團首席)
小 提 琴|顏毓恒 (灣聲樂團 樂團副首席)
小 提 琴|李思緯 (灣聲樂團 小提琴助理首席)
小 提 琴|王康恬 (灣聲樂團 小提琴助理首席)
小 提 琴|鄭翰軒 (灣聲樂團 小提琴助理首席)
中 提 琴|鄭皓元 (灣聲樂團 中提琴助理首席)
中 提 琴|王敏玲 (灣聲樂團 中提琴常任團員/駐團作曲家)
大 提 琴|李建樺 (灣聲樂團 大提琴首席)
大 提 琴|陳怡文 (灣聲樂團 大提琴代理助理首席)
低音提琴|游季慈 (灣聲樂團 低音提琴常任團員)
低音提琴|朱蕷臻 (灣聲樂團 低音提琴常任團員)

賞月舞幻想曲、望情帕格、Two guitars、
田水寄語、Indian suite、Sakula、


RSVP: Please fill out the registration form-


and complete payment to secure your seat(s) by October 25, 2024 (11:59PM).  Limited 12 seats are available on a first come first serve basis. Registration will close upon reaching capacity. No refund would be made unless the event is cancelled by the Organizer.

Columbia Alumni Taiwan Bank Account

匯款帳號: 遠東國際商業銀行 營業部 (機構代碼:805)
戶名:台北市哥倫比亞大學同學會  帳號:001-001-00036558

Contact us:
Event Project Leader Florence Wu: [email protected]
Columbia Alumni Taiwan:  [email protected]

Best Regards,
Columbia Alumni Taiwan

November 01, 2024 at 7:00pm - 10pm

Eslite Performance Hall (誠品表演廳)

88 Yanchang Road B1
Taipei City

$500.00 TWD

Purchase tickets