Dear alumni,
You're cordially invited to attend the 12/2(Sat) 2023 Healthcare Expo Taiwan VIP Tour and Healthy Networking Lunch afterward. The VIP Tour is kindly sponsored by our board member / GSAS alum / NTU Medical School professor Dr. Chung-Liang Chien. Don't miss this special opportunity to gain insights into the latest game-changing technology in future healthcare. Healthcare Expo Taiwan is an annual high-profile event in the healthcare industry to showcase advancements with cutting-edge AI, cloud computing, IoT, 5G applications in smart hospitals, digital health, medical devices, precision medicine, and more. Only 20 spots are available for the Expo VIP Tour and healthy networking lunch respectively (you pay for your own order).
Please register ASAP via the link below: https://forms.gle/HN5owbYDPzDZ7BVm7.
歡迎報名參加12/2(六)2023年台灣醫療科技展VIP導覽及健康交流午餐活動。台灣醫療科技展是醫療產業的年度盛事,展示頂尖的人工智慧、雲端運算、物聯網、智能醫院中的5G應用、數位健康、醫療設備、精準醫學等先進科技。VIP導覽將由我們的理事/ GSAS校友/ 台大醫學院錢宗良教授慷慨贊助,請把握這個特別的機會,深入瞭解未來醫療領域的最新發展。VIP導覽及午餐各有20個名額(午餐餐費自理)