Dear Ivy Dragon Boaters,
Welcome to our 2019 season. We will start our first two practice session on Saturday morning March 23rd 8am & March 30th 8am, with the aim to compete in this year's Taipei International Dragon Boating Festival on June 7th-9th.
We will practice (almost) every Saturday morning 8am until the competition date. We will paddle hard but have fun at the same time.
If you are new or friends of the Ivy family you are more than welcome to join. We are always looking for new recruits to join our extended family.
See you Saturday. (look for the blue flag)
Location : Sanjiaodu Dragonboat Experience
111, Taipei City, Shilin District, 台北市士林區三腳渡擺渡口
Contact: [email protected]
mobile 0960 123 28