2018 Ivy Bike Trip

Dear alumni and friends,

You are cordially invited to join the first “2018 Ivy Bike Trip” in collaboration with the Kids’ Bookhouse Foundation(孩子的書屋) , a remarkable charity group supporting more than 2,000 underprivileged children in Taidong for more than a decade. This year, our Ivy Club schools have the honor to fully sponsor this bike trip for 30+ participants from the charity group and to fulfill the dreams of these kids’ lifetimes. Thanks to the countless support of each Ivy Club, we are able to witness the continual impact of our charitable effort from Ivy Ball 2017 and expand our mission to "Make Taiwan a Better Place."

Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018
Time: 11am to 7pm
Meetup Point: Yilan Toucheng Railroad Station at 11am
Fees: NT$1000 (lunch+dinner+insurance, exclude bike rental)
Registration & Payment Deadline: July 5, 2018
Please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvVTJx50N53hC-k-5jZXfi2tDYPGtH-DWNfUpOTUH6EJON8A/viewform

2018 常春藤校友會單車活動
常春藤校友會預計於今年初次參與”台東孩子的書屋單車環半島活動”之宜蘭路段競賽,起點為蘭陽博物館>頭城農場>頭城火車站共15公里,本校友會力行延續讓台灣更美好,從陪伴開始的初衷見證2017年Ivy Ball所支持的慈善成果,活動行程包含與書屋環島的小朋友共進午餐>Ivy Bike Trip 15km>校友會晚餐餐敘,敬邀各校友會校友及親朋好友們踴躍參與。

活動時間: 2018年8月12日星期日上午11點至晚間7點
集合地點: 宜蘭頭城火車站上午11點(請準備好裝備以便騎車往餐廳前進)
費用: $1000 (午晚餐餐費+意外險, 不包含腳踏車)
報名截止: 2018年7月5日

August 12, 2018 at 11:00am - 7pm

Yilan Toucheng Railroad Station

Will you come?